
Java 19

Tropix is a somewhat bizarre amalgamation of virtual pet and mini game puzzler, which does indeed take place on a tropical island. The virtual pet in question takes the form of a monkey who travels to each of three unlockable islands. The aim of the game is to earn Sand Dollars by playing a selection of five mini games and then spend said monies on items to keep your simian friend in the style he has become accustomed to.
Tropix 是一款有点奇怪的虚拟宠物和迷你游戏益智游戏的结合体,故事发生在一个热带岛屿上。游戏中的虚拟宠物是一只猴子,它会前往三个可解锁的岛屿。游戏的目的是通过玩五款迷你游戏赚取沙钱,然后用这些钱购买物品,让你的猿猴朋友保持它已经习惯的风格。
Tropix猴岛冒险/猴岛大冒险-java游戏 >Tropix猴岛冒险/猴岛大冒险-java游戏 >


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