Ice Cream Empire -java游戏

Java 17

Ice Cream Empire Java Game

We know that many entrepreneurs started with nothing: Thomas Alva Edison sold snacks and sweets on trains; Rockefeller was the son of a street vendor; Steve Jobs, Hewlett & Packard started their empires in a garage. And Ferdinando Bocconi, Universita Bocconi's founder, began by selling fabrics in the country outside of Milan before becoming the forerunner of large retailers in Italy with the opening of the Bocconi Brothers department stores (better known today as “La Rinascente”). In light of these famous examples, Universita Bocconi has decided to develop a simulation game which gives anyone who is learning about the world of economics for the first time the chance to experiment with the satisfactions and problems small entrepreneurs face on a daily basis as they manage their businesses. That's how ICE - Ice Cream Empire - was born.

Ice Cream Empire -java游戏



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